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KGB museum in Vilnius

Updated: Feb 7

The Museum of Occupations and Freedom Fights in Vilnius is situated in the former KGB headquarters, were from the second half of 1940 to August 1991, Soviet repressive institutions NKVD/NKGB/MGB/KGB orchestrated deportations, arrests, and the persecution of dissidents, suppressing the nation's desire to restore independence.

The museum in the basement is established in a former KGB prison, including interrogation cells, solitary confinement cells, an execution chamber, and more.

On the first floor, visitors can explore documents, photographs, maps, and other items highlighting the Sovietization of the country in 1940-1941. The exposition on 1944-1953 covers the partisan war, introducing the territorial structure and military organization of partisan units, the aspirations of freedom fighters, and their daily activities.

The second floor presents exhibits on the deportations to Siberia and the imprisonment of Lithuanian citizens in the Gulag (1944-1956), unarmed civil resistance, and KGB activities (1954-1991). A restored telephone conversation listening room is also on display, featuring surviving listening equipment, furniture, and some restored interior details.

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